Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Standard intro to blog.

Hello, I'm Sillstaw, and this is my new blog: The Repository of Potential Signatures.

Having been on several Internet forums, I know that having a distinctive signature is a great way to seperate yourself from the rest of the posters. (You also have avatars on most message boards, but let's ignore that.) So naturally, I've collected quite a few over a long while.

However, on my current residence, I use the following signature:

Anybody who don't like that, daddy, don't like chicken on Sundays.
--Random black man, trailer to "Skidoo"

(Note: I only have the first line in my signature; it's not attributed to "Random Black Man.")

Having started out with a lame Mark Twain signature (it didn't mesh with my posts very well), I saw that trailer for the legendarily lame "Skidoo" and fell in love with that line. So, at the first chance, I changed it. That was late 2006.

Meanwhile, I'm still seeing plenty of brilliant potential signatures out there. I'm pretty much bound to; I like visiting humorous websites, and whenever I see something that tickles my fancy (which is somewhere near the uvula, I think), I copy and paste it into a Word file called "Signatures" that has just become 50 pages long.

That's right. As of January 8, 2008, 10:18 MST, I have 50 pages of mostly-short witticisms, with the occasional Freudian slip and misinterpretation here and there. And since my current signature is serving me plenty well, what am I to do?

The idea of putting the signatures up on the Internet has been rolling around in my head for a while. (I can hear it hit the wall when I tilt my head.) So I figured that now would be a great time to do it. Considering that I have two other blogs that I've barely updated, I can only hope this one will waste more of my time.

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